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handwritten greeting card service
handwritten greeting card service
Shipping daily Mon-Fri | Order by 11am for same day shipping
Shipping daily Mon-Fri | Order by 11am for same day shipping
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Woah There Pickle

Woah There Pickle is the brainchild of Brighton-based designer/print-maker Vicky Day. Her love of print began nearly a decade ago after inspiration struck following a visit to Nashville's Hatch Show Print. Vicky later returned to this iconic letterpress print and design shop for an internship programme, which taught her much about the process and introduced her to many more artists and designers in the industry. Vicky takes inspiration from her travels, nostalgia, things that make her laugh and iconic objects and design. To keep up with Vicky's creative process, new products and pictures of her furry "staff" you can follow Woah There Pickle on Instagram.

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